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By Susannah Alexander And Laura Jane Turner

A lifetime of hiding my smile

By Susannah Alexander and Laura Jane Turner

Published: June 21, 2023 12:26 PM GMT

For most of my life, I've hated my teeth. I had some major bad experiences with a dentist as a kid, and as a result, I've always been terrified of going to the dentist. This has led to a lifetime of avoiding smiling, covering my mouth with my hand when I laugh, and generally feeling self-conscious about my appearance.

A few months ago, I finally decided that I couldn't live with my dental anxiety anymore. I booked an appointment with a new dentist, and I was determined to face my fears head-on. The dentist was incredibly understanding and patient with me, and he helped me to feel more comfortable with the whole process. He explained everything that he was going to do in detail, and he answered all of my questions. He also gave me a stress ball to squeeze during the procedure, which helped to calm me down.

The procedure itself was quick and painless. The dentist used a local anesthetic to numb my gums, and I didn't feel a thing. He then used a drill to remove the decay from my teeth, and he filled the cavities with a white filling material. The whole process took about an hour, and I was so relieved when it was over.

I'm so glad that I finally faced my fears and got my teeth fixed. It's made a huge difference in my life. I'm no longer self-conscious about my smile, and I can finally laugh and smile without worrying about what other people think. If you're struggling with dental anxiety, I encourage you to seek help. There are many dentists who are understanding and patient, and they can help you to overcome your fears.


